Tannhäuser. Sängerkrieg. O Wolfram, der du also sangest.
TANNHÄUSER. SÄNGERKRIEG. O WOLFRAM, DER DU ALSO SANGEST. Wagner, Richard Holograph in black ink. Comprises two brief sections of scene for tenor and orchestra from second act of opera in three acts designated for insertion into full score as revision for French language production in Paris in 1861. Translation by composer from original German. Includes…
Read MoreTannhäuser
TANNHÄUSER Wagner, Richard First edition published cooperatively by C.F. Meser and A. Fürstner; reproduced using lithographic process. On title page: Als Manuscript von der Handschrift des Componisten auf Stein gedruckt. Der Besitz dieses Exemplars giebt nur dann ein Recht zur öffentlichen Aufführung der Oper; wenn ein besondere nachweisliche Einigung mit dem Componisten vorangegangen ist. Consists…
Read MoreSiegfried-Idyll
SIEGFRIED-IDYLL Wagner, Richard Copyist’s manuscript in black ink which served as Stichvorlage for publisher B. Schott’s Söhne, signed on caption by composer in dark blue ink. Includes corrections and other annotations in blue and red crayon and pencil in hand of composer. Caption title originally Symphonie which was crossed out in blue crayon and replaced…
Read MoreDer Ring des Nibelungen. Die Walküre. Vocal score
DER RING DES NIBELUNGEN. DIE WALKÜRE. VOCAL SCORE Wagner, Richard Published vocal score in Italian translation by Angelo Zanardini from original German, with original orchestral accompaniment arranged for piano. Caption title: La Walkiria. Formerly in the possession of conductor Arturo Toscanini and includes his performance markings, copious orchestral instrument indications and other annotations in black…
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